
Thursday, June 3, 2010


I made and ate such a beefy Jamie Oliver burger that I was cleaning the house the whole afternoon. Upstairs and downstairs and in my master's chamber.

I dusted, I swept, I mopped and I sweat. I must remember never to have Jamie's burger for lunch ever again. It just gave me too much enthusiasm, excitement and passion ~ for all the wrong things. I need rest. Rest is what I need. Rest is best.

Being petite I struggled to eat this big fat thick dolloped-with-curry-mayonnaise-and-piled-high-with-caramelized-onions burger. Heck, I even struggled to clamp it between my two little paws. I had mayonnaise and crumbs smeared within a 2 inch perimeter of my mouth and yet I missed biting down on the beef patty. I must remember that I am not a troll. 

I made these burger buns yesterday and 'painted' them with flour. I thought they looked pretty neat. I cut out a small piece of plastic grid that my super duper DIY husband has around the house amoungst a host of other puzzling things, placed it closely over the risen bun dough and sifted flecks of flour over them. Even after baking and throwing them into a plastic bag the pattern stayed...I was Jamie Oliverishly thrilled and excited that I went around cutely reminding everyone that Bob's their uncle.

Jamie Oliver's burger recipe was very good. I cannot comprehend why anyone would ever want to eat a MacDonald's when it is so easy and healthy AND TASTY to make your own. I used very lean meat, chopped it up in my food processor to the texture that pleased me, mixed them up with the other ingredients and had fun compacting them into a lid that was slightly larger then the buns. I saw this tip just a couple of days ago but unfortunately I cannot remember where. If it's you please do let me know so that I can link. It was a brilliant idea. Pure genius.

Jamie Oliver's Botham Burger Recipe ~

1 kg lean meat
2 medium red onions, finely chopped (I omitted this)
2 eggs
1 -2 handfuls of fresh breadcrumbs
1 T coriander seeds, crushed
1 small pinch of cumin seeds, crushed
1 heaped tsp of Dijon mustard
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 230 C. Mix and scrunch all the ingredients together. Divide into 4 (I made 7 and they were big, about 150 gm each). Pat into a lid or just use your hands to shape.

Place in the oven and roast for 25 minutes if very thick like Jamie's or less if not too fat and thick. Jamie Oliver's timing will leave the burger slightly pink in the centre and the outside nice and crispy.

Build a burger with what you have.

NOTE : Because I did not read the instructions for this recipe I didn't realize that these burgers were roasted in the oven. I had pan fried them..*smiling like a dope and scratching the back of my calf with my big right toe*

Curry Mayonnaise ~

A slap of bottled mayonnaise
1/2 tsp curry powder
1 tsp mustard

Mix them all well. Slap on burger.


  1. This looks unbelievably amazing!!! I too would need a nice big long nap. And, OMG, love the buns. I am sooo stealing that technique.

  2. Zu!!! I made burgers too but caramelized onion became fried shallots... :( Will post ASAP and you'll understand why....Sedih!

  3. oh mamma mia che favoloso!!!!!mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......

  4. That burger look SO good and your photography skills are top notch too!

  5. Zurin, this burger is AWESOME! I am truly hungry now looking at your photos!(Honestly, I haven't had dinner) I salute you - you even made the burger!

  6. Neat!!!!
    I won't mind having a double deck with this. I'll gag the whole thing in my mouth!!

  7. oh my. this looks delicious. DEFINITELY better than macdonald's! plus it's jamie oliver, so you know it's gonna be good :)

  8. Zurin,
    You've out done yourself. The burgers look so good I can taste them. Yum!
    I love the new blog design. very nice.
    And your right, Bob's they're Uncle. Love the pattern on top. I wonder what a man uses those for?

  9. wow this is lovely, the patty looked awesome and huge, lovely, I can easily fall for another one! lol!

  10. this look so awesome, I going to make this one day.

  11. This is a massive burger. Love the buns you use.

  12. Thanks for the comments my friends! what can I say....I love hearing from you :))

  13. Zurin, you are TOO FUNNY. Bob's your uncle indeed...

    These look wonderful. One thing that I miss in Belgium is a good burger. Here they're often made with pork. Ew. So if I want one I have to make it myself. I never would have thought to put this in the oven!

    Thanks for the chuckle. AND for the great photos!

  14. Your burger looks wonderful. I love JO recipes and this one is no exception. I was taken with your buns, however. That is a fabulous and very creative idea. They really are unique. Thank you for the birthday wishes. Blessings...Mary

  15. Hi Zurin, I was looking for Sugee cake pictures and came across 'Little Teochew's sugee cake' as well the mentioned of you.
    And I busybody! Can see you have a Black belt in cake making. And your sugee cake is out of this World. I love it.
    You have a great weekend and keep a song in your heart. Best regards, Lee.

  16. Zurin,
    I can get fat just reading your blog. How in the whole wide world you stay so slim??
    Tak fair nyeee

  17. Magnifique burgur. Si en plus, il est cuit au four, on peut en manger sans trop de remords.
    Bon weekend.

  18. Wowee Zowie...that is some gorgeous burger!
    They are almost like a little meatloaf burger...gorgeous.
    Your buns look absolutely amazing...I love your idea of the flour design over top...genius!

  19. Oh my oh my zurin! How can you be so cruel to post up this burger so huge and delicious and didn't share any with us?? The curry mayo with mustard sounds like the perfect sauce to have...and with lots of your caramelised onions, I'm drooping! *Help*
    Think I'd better stop looking before my keyboard gets "short-circuit"... :P

  20. Oh my, that looks utterly delightful and moreish. I'm petite too and I feel a bit like a kid trying to get my jaws around big burgers. But that looks well worth it! And I like your flour grid too! :D

  21. OMG!! This, I have to make soon

  22. I'd like to jump right into the computer screen and grab that! WOW.
    A fabulous burger, Zurin.
    I'm going to steal that curry mayo idea!

  23. stupendo ... per questo panino potrei fare di tutto.. รจ splendido.. come tutte le altre ricette che ho sbirciato...

  24. Hi Zurin, I don't know how you got this huge burger in your mouth without cutting it up in smaller pieces! Great photos!

  25. Those buns looks so delicious! Yummy burger!

  26. OMG the curry mayo looks and sounds absolutely amazing!

  27. That burger look SO good and your photography skills are top notch too!
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  28. looks lovely. as a certified weekend (kitchen) warrior, this will suit me fine.

    a perfect father's day brunch idea.

    thanksies and curtsies!!

  29. I made this burger last saturday and it was delicious! :)


I'd love to hear your thoughtful comments. Thank you for taking the time. :) Have a nice day!