
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cupcake Art

This is art. Zalita's gorgeous cupcakes!

I never, in my life, thought that I would one day get inspiration from cupcakes. Those little cakes of convenience were how I used to regard them. Simple, quick to make and needing nothing more than a swirl or a dollop of cream with a cherry on top and they're ready to go.
But my life has changed. I have been rattled out of my box and have come to regard cupcakes with more respect, reverence and amazement. I will never look at a cupcake the same way again!
Like everything else in life, cupcakes have evolved and, as I see it, are one of the things in life that are, without a doubt, getting better, more beautiful and are, at this point in time, completely awe-inspiring.
Inspiration here I come.

With inspiration hovering above it looks like I'll have to get back to making fondant again. Back to the cake art books, gazing at cake designs, floating about in cake world and picking my brains.

Plus I'll have to get a new set of tools and ingredients too....fondant embossers, pearl dust, silver dust, gold dust, the emptying of my purse, dirtying my hands, sleepless nights, washing up, second thoughts.

Hey Inspiration where are you?

However, just as I feel inspiration slipping away, I've just been informed of a new baking supply store, The Cake Connection, at Jaya One, which is a newly renovated shopping complex. I haven't been there myself but I do believe that it is the old Jaya Supermarket complex albeit with a new face. Now I'll have to decide whether that is good news or bad news.

Five hundred products at our disposal it seems. I must check this store out and pray that they have what I need with affordable prices thrown in. Otherwise, fancy cupcake art will be just another item on my extremely long, ridiculous, becoming fictional to-do list.

Check out The Cake Connection.

More of Zalita's cupcake art that I envy at


  1. tasty!! :)

    xox, dayna

  2. mummy, put yours making kueh raya?


I'd love to hear your thoughtful comments. Thank you for taking the time. :) Have a nice day!