
Wednesday, May 19, 2010


What do you do when you have little kiddies, little grandkiddies or little great grandkiddies? You put them to work. That's what you do. (Aside: I'm a grandma with a dab of mean. And invisible eyes at the back of my head)

I waited a long time for this post.  I was excruciatingly eager to get this post up because colors just make my knees go all soft and translucent, like sauteed onions. I think Peace and Light knew that. They knew I would adore these candy coloured sugar cookies. And they were completely right. I do. My sweetie pies.

(Aside : We're such girlie girls, my girls and I)

At only 11 and 12 they made these all on their own. After their brother H had made the brownies, a few posts ago, Peace and Light thought candy coloured cookies would make a cool post too. And the rest they say a baking tray and cookie dough.

Peace loves horses, she rides, she cooks, she bakes, she sews, she knits, she crochets (surpassing her Mom..........and me), she decorates cakes but she also has a deep passion for animals. So she might make a great a vet one day or perhaps a great pastry chef.....the way I see it.

Light did nanowrimo and completed the challenge of writing 40,000 words in a month and submitting her story. Light is the story teller, the writer, the artist, the dreamer. She is the main creator of Zoe and Bo, their one-day-to-be-very-famous-comic-strip-series she says. Now why do I get the feeling that that might just be true?

As if that isn't enough they surprised me by making some animations so that you , dear readers, will know how to put the spiral and flower cookies together. Thank god for grandkids!

And in between a million other things their mommy took the cookie photos in their lovely gravel and rock garden just before the sun went down. Aren't they gorgeous? I think she did a great job. Thank you so much dear. 

Its beginning to dawn on me, very vividly, that I may have found myself the perfect dream team. I could form a nice little blog company where I could put my feet up, sit back, relax, sit on a rocking chair, rock myself to sleep, snore, croak out orders, look flabulous, wither away and not have to slog blog away at the kitchen counter computer all by myself. My little kiddies will do all the work. heh

Take it from here sweeties ~

I am Light, and this is my first time making these cookies, and I made them with my sister Peace. They are sugar cookies, and you get to color the dough. (That might be a messy job.) These are cool, chewy cookies, and I hope you will like making them!

I've been wanting to make these cookies for a long time, and voila! Super, amazing colorful cookies just baked! I got this from a kiddish cookie cookbook, and there are five recipes for these cookies. You can freeze and color the dough one day, and bake the cookies the other day, but you can do it in all one day. 

This is how you make Spiral and Flower cookies.

Yield: 24

Sugar Cookie Dough

1 stick softened butter (unsalted)
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 cup flour
1/4 tsp salt

You'll need this too:

Egg Wash

1 egg
Crack the egg over a small bowl. Pour in some water and and beat with a fork, and that's it! 

The Cookies 

Preheat the oven about 375˚ F? Okay then, hurry up. 

Beep, beep, beep. 

Okay, next, cream the softened butter and sugar in a mixing bowl. (Use an electric mixer.) Did I say softened butter? Anyway, crack the egg into the butter-and-sugar mixture and blend very well. Then add the dry ingredients to the butter-sugar-egg mixture. Voila! Dough! Amazing! 

You have made Sugar Cookie dough all by yourself! 

Separate and color the dough. Roll it around in your hands or mix it in the electric mixer. Okay, anyway, wrap and chill the dough for 15 min. (Use a timer if needed.)  

To make the spirals, separate the dough into two blobs (or balls?). Color them and smash them equally into rectangles. Wrap and chill the rectangles for 20 minutes.
                                                 * * *
Unwrap the dough carefully _ it's delicate. With a pastry brush, brush egg wash between the two dough layers and stick them together. Wait for the dough to soften a bit, then roll the dough carefully into a log. Look at the side of the log to make sure you have a spiral pattern                                                            

Drumroll please...Okay! This is the waiting time. Freeze this spiral log for 2 hours. I repeat, 2 hours. 

Grease the cookie sheets. Unwrap the dough log and cut it into cookies about 1 centimeter thick. Put them on the cookie sheet and push it in the oven. Close the door. 

Bad cookie sheet! (Time-out for the cookie sheet!)

Well, you have made Spiral cookies! Congratulations!


These might be hard.

Preheat the oven. Make the dough and Egg Wash. Separate the dough into two big ones and one small. Color and freeze them for 15 min. 

Roll the two big dough balls into snakes and stick them together with Egg Wash. Use the small blob for another snake and put it in the middle of the whole snake rectangle. Roll this whole thing together to make a log. Wrap it in plastic wrap and freeze it for two hours. 

Unwrap the log and cut it into cookies. (The flowers I made didn't turn out very well.) Put the cookies on the cookie sheet and put them into the oven. Slam the oven door!
The flowers are done!


Thank you Sweeties ~ I just LOVE the sugar cookies! You know that don't you?. Bite, crunch, chew and yummmmmm.



Aside : Don't you think these cookies are cool? If you have anything sweet to say to Peace and Light or to ask about the recipe I'm sure Peace and light would be thrilled to bits to help you out.;)


  1. Zurin

    These cookies are adorable! So whimsical and fun! I can see how fun it is to make them with children. Perfect project.

  2. SO CUTE!
    it almost looks like marshmellows :P

  3. Zurin, it's amazing how you think I'm amazing to be able to do stuffs that I've posted on my blog but I think what I've done is not amazing at all compared to that of what Peace & Light have to show us here. At that kind of age, they are way way more amazing than I am and you should be a proud Nenek Zurin! Now that the comment box is open, can I add that I love the new layout especially the About page where we get to know you better, the real hidden Master behind Cherry on a cake. Are you still on a bread painting binge???? Sounds addictive I reckon I should try. Okay, I shall stop here and not spam you any further, I can go on for hours sometimes! Great job yer cucu sekalian!

  4. Zurin, These cookies are too cute to be eaten! It's going to be a hit with kids.

  5. Peace and Light, your cookies are WONDERFUL!! My kids are going to have so much fun making these and I will be able to tell them I got the recipe from 2 chefs on the other side of the world- how cool is that!
    Zurin, I must tell you that great minds think alike. The same day I read your post, I had decided to make a painted Challah for my DIL (yours looked way better!)
    xoxo Pattie

  6. Peace and Light, you have given us Joy. Thank you for this wonderful, beautiful post, girls. Three cheers for your super mom and congratulations to your proud grandma (fist bump, Zurin)! ;) Talent runs in the family, obviously. :)

  7. This is too cute! I love seeing how you bathe in the pleasure and joy your grand children bring you. Like H, Peace and Light are equally talented. Love the animation instructions! Kids today- they are capable of so many things...!

  8. oh...that was so... sweet. I couldnt believe they are just little teens.
    How are you aunty? Its been awhile I have not visited any blogs. I've been so occupied with meetings and trips. I miss your postings.

  9. They are so festive and beautiful. I bet they would be well received by kids.

  10. Wow!!!! Peace and Light these are absolutely awesome cookies. I love how they look so happy!
    You did a wonderful job! You obviously have lots of talent in your family...just like your Grandma!

  11. Great job Peace and Light on the heavenly cookies!

    Those peace and light cookies would go nicely with the right kind of coffee, which I prefer it like me ... dark and sweet.

    Hmmmm .... I need to apply to be a guest writer. I can't bake as great as my kids but ... I am
    1. the great tester - eat them cookies to ensure that they are not poisonous for my kids and
    2. more importantly, the man behind the oven ... I do the dishes manually till I have dry coarse hands [real men don't wear gloves].

  12. wow questi biscotti sono meravigliosi!! complimenti!!! ciao!

  13. Beautiful cookies, I would say! Great project with the kiddos! ;0

  14. These are adorable cookies and fun to make too!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I hope you will visit again soon :)

  15. Zurin, what a sweet post, the cookies are lovely, and the animation is fun, you are lucky to have such beautiful family.

  16. I love the cookies, Zurin. And this was a wonderful, charming guest post!

  17. oh wow great guest post and amazing cheerful cookies

    oh and Zurin your blog is looking so pretty
    and thanks for your kind words

  18. The cookies are a real treat, but your post alsotriggered a memory for me. When we were small my mother always talk about eyes in the back of her head :-). I was probably seven before I caght on. It's an effective child rearing technique. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  19. Those cookies look so beautiful!

  20. I'm glad the comments are enabled now. I've visited your blog before. I think it's beautiful and was a little disappointed that I couldn't leave a comment before.

    These cookies are so pretty and just my kinda thing. Kudos to Peace and Light :) I am a very "girly" girl and proud of it! I'm definitely looking forward to more of your lovely posts!

  21. Zurin, Sooooooo pretty! I am so jeles that such artistic talent runs in the family! :D

    Will be a nice project for my kids during the long 2 1/2 months summer holidays. :)

  22. Great cookies, so colorful and fun to look at, and gobble up too. Very clever guest post, Zurin. Thanks, Peace & Light.

  23. thanks, ppl. I like the cookies a lot. Did any of you make them yet?


  24. These look so colourful. I'm always amazed when bakers produce cookies such as this.

  25. Thanks everyone for the lovely n encouraging comments! Imm sure Peace and Light appreciate it too :))

  26. What a great guide and a clever idea for cookies! :D So clever!


I'd love to hear your thoughtful comments. Thank you for taking the time. :) Have a nice day!