
Wednesday, June 16, 2010


At 2.30 am this morning it was Brazil vs Korea ~ Brazil 2, Korea 1. (My boys were relatively satisfied)

At 12.30 pm this afternoon it was Pineapple Fried Rice vs Left overs ~ Pineapple fried rice 2, Left overs 2. (Everyone was satisfied)

That's basically how it went. Allow me to elaborate.

R and I had freshly cooked pineapple fried rice while N and Z had last night's left overs.

I was not being a mean mom. N and Z do not like pineapple. R and I like pineapple. And the left overs were yummy too.

But I love pineapple fried rice only if, in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, one sautes.........

3 pips of crushed garlic,
1/2 a cup of sweet pineapple pulp along with the 
Fresh prawns, 
Sliced squid, 
Diced long beans and red peppers, 
Splashes of fish sauce, 
Splashes of soy sauce, 
Sprinkles of salt and crackled black pepper, 
Wicked bits of fiery bird chillies
Scramble in an egg or 2
Tumble in 2 Chinese bowls of plain white rice, freshly cooked

Give an energetic stir all the while and finally, with a flourish, throw in....

Juicy bits of sweet pineapple. 

Serve steaming hot. Cook only 2 servings at a time if deliciousness is what you're after.

You might like to know that I have never had issues using freshly cooked rice when frying rice. I prefer freshly cooked rice because the rice is hot, moist and fluffy and so easy to fry with. You have, after all, the oil to keep the grains seperate yet not dry. Perfect fried rice every time.  True. 

12 midnight  ~ Spain 0, Switzerland 1 (my boys are not too happy)



  1. I've never had pineapple in my fried rice! Must remedy that ASAP!

  2. Yes, we just finish watching it and my man is not too happy either. Switzerland look as if they've won the world cup because Spain is a strong opponent. You should try adding a dash of curry powder to the seasoning, makes a whole lot of difference! Love it, just made it 2 days back for lunch too!

  3. Quinn,

    great idea..y didnt I think of that! pineapple and curry are good friends.

  4. I don't bother leftover rice for fried rice. Freshly cooked rice works just as well, just that it has be cooked with not too much water so that each grain will remain firm and smooth and not sticky.

    About using curry powder, Maggi curry noodle's soup pack is fabulous with pineapple fried rice.

  5. Oooh, this looks good! May just have to make a pineapple run to the market....
    xoxo Pattie

  6. I love your pineapple fried rice, what a great idea for a yummy dish!

  7. Love fried rice .. ok any type of fried rice in my books. This looks really, really good.

  8. MMMMmmmmmmmm...can I come over for pineapple fried rice?

  9. I love pineapple fried rice. Cook it often. Now reading your post I feel like cooking it for dinner tonight.

  10. You couldn't have posted it at the right time. I happened to have leftover rice. I am going to try throwing in some pineapple and try to come with something as yummy as yours if I can.:)

  11. Laughing at the world cup references. It's like that in my house too. That fried rice looks great. I use either left over rice or fresh. Never tried pineapple in it (yet:-)

  12. it's lunchtime at the office... and you just managed to make me very very hungy (tho I had a late breakfast).

    gorgeous photos!!!

    btw, salaam... I just discovered your blog and am so glad I did!!

  13. Love the pineapple fried rice! That's a bowl of treasures.

  14. I was just thinking of making pineapple fried rice! Looks so good!

  15. Khao phat saparod , aroy mak!
    It means pineapple fried rice, very delicious! :)

  16. Wow, I love your recipe, Zurin. I've neved added pineapple to fried rice and can imagine how wonderful it must taste along with the curry powder. I'm happy to know that you use freshly cooked rice. Now I can decide last minute to make this delicious dish.

  17. I do like Pineapple fried rice too. I think billions out there share the same sentiments as your boys.Spain has been tauted as the most outstanding team and has been tipped to win the cup. Switzerland, however is a very persistent team- they have never conceded a goal during the last world cup but their coach did vow that they will annoy Spain...and they had gone on to annoy not only Spain but World, I guess...

  18. I have to start using pineapple in my fried rice again! Love it.

  19. :-). My husband's emotions have been like your boys - in swells and dips, maybe this is the cure. Unfortunately I'm allergic to pineapple. I do love fried rice...even if I tend to use 'old' rice! It looks lovely, especially with the prawns on top!


I'd love to hear your thoughtful comments. Thank you for taking the time. :) Have a nice day!