
Friday, April 15, 2011


I had three choices.

To eat this mousse selfishly with the Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao in one hand, in morning light, in my cotton jammies, to serve it at a playful children's party or to serve it as a dessert after a dinner........ in a more elegant fashion.

But we all know that the party and the elegant dinner was just a figment of my imagination, so yes, I dived into it while in my jammies with Oscar Wao's brief life just within reach.

The morning was blessed to be bright and sparkling. So I did the photo shoot based on the three different settings that were mingling in my head. (just to prove to myself that mousse can be breakfast food is versatile). 

                                   No friends, that isn't a fly. That's an over-roasted chip off a pistachio nut.

Who would have thought chocolate mousse could be made without eggs but with olive oil instead? George Calombaris, one of the judges for Junior Masterchef Australia did. After all he is a sweet Greek.

But I didn't get it from his cookbook. I got it off a page from Delicious magazine in an advert for Bulla Thickened Cream. 

I can't help it. I get attracted to recipes from adverts. And to Bulla thickened cream. And to Delicious. And to mousse.

However, I was worried that the note and slick of olive oil would come strong and odd in a mousse. So I handed it to H rather gingerly. Then, from the mouth of the most cynical eater came these words..."It tastes like ice cream." He finished it. And why wouldn't he? It was chocolaty. It was pretty. And it was healthy.

I'd like to believe in healthy.

                                No friends, it isn't a fly. It's an over-roasted chip off a pistachio nut.

The recipe.................
Olive Oil Chocolate Mousse...George Calombaris

Yield...4 servings

100 gm dark chcolate ( I used Tudor Gold 55% cocoa)
50 gm dark chocolate, 70% cocoa (I used the same above)
100 ml evoo
1 cup (250 ml ) thickened cream
1-2 drops lemon juice
1 cup 9140 gm) pistachio kernels, toasted & roughly chopped

Place chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water (don't let the bowl touch the water) and stir until melted. Stir in the olive oil, then remove from heat and cool for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a chilled bowl whip cream to soft peaks. Gently fold the whipped cream into chocolate mixture until combined. Divide the mousse amoung 4 serving bowls and chill in refrigerator or serve immediately.


  1. I've never heard of a mousse using olive oil before, but it looks absolutely delicious!

  2. All the stylings are nice:) Is the consistency thinck enough to hold form in a pie?

    Thank you:)

  3. Monique,

    tq :) AFter I chilled it in the fridge for a few minutes it definitely firmed up. It is very hot and humid here so it needed the chilling. Hope that helps. Pie sounds like a good idea.


    Tq too :)

  4. Mousse made with olive oil? That's definitely a new one in my book! And it seems like it was really easy to make too. I might have to try this out for myself over Easter weekend. You can never have too much chocolate!

  5. Oh yes, I have noticed that George Calombaris is now the spokes person for Bulla thickened cream. I have just bottle yesterday but have not decided what to do with it yet. Love the fact that this decadent mousse uses Olive oil- helps to lessen the guilt a little..:)

  6. Great work on Mousse.. will surely try them!

  7. Oh darling - I saw George make this very same recipe on Australia's version of REady, Steady, Cook. At that time he was far from the famous fellow he is today due to Masterchef fame. I used to feel sorry for him, because he clearly knew his "stuff", but the voting public didn't seem to like him. I think that may have changed a little now. I can actually remember him make this on the show - he's done a few classics with a twist and this certainly was one of them. Thanks for the reminder; a handy mousse to try when the eggs are off the lay; which in my case is right now! Your pics are wonderful and I for one, didn't think that was a fly!

    Hope you have a safe, peaceful and Happy easter Dear Zurin. Love from Mariana xxx

  8. What an unexpected mousse ingredient. I'm glad it worked out! Especially if it has male approval ;).

  9. Hm, the use of evoo in a mousse is something new to me, but I'd imagine it would make the texture absolutely lovely.

  10. In the effort to be healthy I made one with tofu but I can't remember if I kept the recipe and I used eggs. It would have gone unnoticeable with the spouse and kids had I not made it in front of them. I thought it tasted no different but they had reservations haha. Will try your recipe one day.

  11. I would never think of using olive oil in chocoalate mousse. It looks great.


I'd love to hear your thoughtful comments. Thank you for taking the time. :) Have a nice day!