
Friday, June 11, 2010


I've made a lot of mistakes in my life and this is one of them. I over beat and over baked this pound cake and Martha Stewart would not have been pleased.

Look at that fissure. I do wonder if it was supposed to be like that. Look at those sugar spots. Look at those holes. Yes I'm guilty.

But at least I've used up the cream cheese that I've had in my fridge since forever. This recipe used no baking powder. So it was heavy and dense but it had a lightness and moistness to it when sliced. Six eggs must have done that. It cuts very well. Very few at home got excited. But many reviewers raved over this. So it must be me.

I'm not too happy with the photographs either so I'm not saying much. 

Click here for the recipe ~ Yes .....I'm so unexcited and feel so guilty that I don't even have the desire to type out the recipe.

BUT it's almost gone though. H liked it ^o^. Phew! I've been acquitted. *Taking off the leg irons*


  1. No problem Zurin ;D Don't get upset, I'll bookmark this cos I love cheese ;D

  2. Your top picture is positively beautiful Zurin! And my Nigella dense chocolate cake had a big ol crack in the top too from over beating but it tasted glorious so eh.. what's a little fissure? Proof of the pudding is in the eating!

  3. It doesn't matter what it looks like or turns out to be, as long as it's good to eat. I am sure Martha Stewart herself did experience this before she perfected her recipes. Btw I too have tried a couple of her recipes and I didn't quite like the results. Just wondering if it's got anything to do with her recipe. Maybe it requires a little tweaking.

  4. Ha ha Zurin, you are so funny. Never knew one will have to be punished with leg chains for messing up a cake- my ankles would have loads of bruise marks to show... Yes, I saw the dense spots in the cake it is great that none go to waste!

  5. Wow, Zurin, I think your standard is high. I'll be very happy if I can take photographs like yours and I truly don't mind the crack and dense look...just another new recipe :D With cheese...I can eat all....mmmm

  6. You're unhappy with the photographs!!!! I was looking at that first one, thinking that I needed to ask you for some styling tips. I just plop my food down and take a pic. I need plates, I need props, I need vision.

  7. You are a perfectionist! I like both the photo and the recipe! The cake looks simply gorgeous!

  8. Zurin, I tried this recipe some time ago and, if it makes you feel any better, got similar results. And I cook for a living! We thought it was a bit TOO dense, but I was actually planning to tweak it and see if it could be improved. You've just given me the push! :)
    xoxo Pattie

  9. I think the cake looks great! I wish I had a piece right now for breakfast.

  10. non importa se la torta non è esattamente come volevi...l'importante è che sia buona! Si può rifarla modificando la ricetta!!ciao!!

  11. Zurin dear, it is okay...everyone makes silly mistakes and a blunder in the kitchen sometimes. I just felt good ingredients were wasted sometimes because I use good quality ingredients all the time in return of top quality... Isn't it annoying when you made a blunder and no one eats it? I don't know about you but I get upset and I'll then turn it into stuffs like cake pops and stuffs to mask its taste.

    Cheer up alrighty and shut up about the photos!!!! You take good photos, we all know that!

  12. I do like a dense poundcake with fresh summer berries and my cakes usually crack to some degree. I've never thought too much about it. It's the flavor we're after. Sometimes Martha's recipes don't turn out the way I hoped they would.

  13. You're crazy! These photos are awesome. And I think almost all pound cakes have cracks. I've actually never seen one without one!

  14. Hey, we think alike. I too just bake a lemon loaf cake. Don't worry about making mistake. I did that all the time. I notice if I add cream cheese to pound cake it will produce a denser cake.

  15. That always happen to me =( I'm sure it still taste good.

  16. I don't think that a fissure on a cake like this is uncommon - and it's definitely not unforgivable!! The light in your photos is wonderful, and you should be proud!

  17. Ai, it's okay Zurin. If you hadn't say it was a failure, who would have known? The pictures you took looked so good. Doesn't pound cake opens at the top? I see nothing wrong in this.
    But anyway, who doesn't fail before they succeed? ;)

  18. Maybe one day I'll be able to bake like you Zurin.
    I bet you used a lot less gadgets compared to Martha would lol

  19. I've done one before from Simply Anne's and it was fabulous, but it was leavened with BP. hehehe.

  20. I think that fissure down the middle of the cake is just fine - and I love that plate it's sitting on.


I'd love to hear your thoughtful comments. Thank you for taking the time. :) Have a nice day!