
Sunday, June 13, 2010


Two of the most harrowing events happened within the past week.  Where fear and gratefulness merged.

 ~ Our cat Sweetie went missing. 

Thank God, at 2 am 2 nights later, she returned. A little scruffy, damp and hungry but complete and safe. The home was whole and warm again, hearts were lifted, joy was etched on faces, Sweetie tailed closely behind N, later to morph into aloofness and surely promises were made to selves to cherish her more than ever before.

~ I could not sign in to my blogger account.

It was an agonizing night, repeated re-setting of passwords, punching of unnecessary keys, head waggings, head aches, furrowing eyebrows, deep breaths, even deeper frustrated sighs and when by a mere miracle I succeeded it was a feeling of release and humbleness that I felt ~ after a long, solitary confinement in that black hole of Blogland that had, for hours, not a crack of light in sight. And then the final sense of complete charge and control over this little area of my life. Woo hoo. 

Life is back to its normal and comfortable disarray.

In between those events I had made a mochi gnocchi-shaped pudding. It was quite by accident that I gave them the adorable 'gnocchi' (pronounced n'yo-kee) imprint. A fork happened to be within reach. It was addictive to sculpt the form. The dough was made of glutinous rice flour or mochi mixed with coconut milk, a little sugar and a pinch of salt. A very forgiving dough.

This is  dough that can never go wrong. This is also a typical South East Asian dessert the gnocchi shape of which gave the dessert a little twist (literally almost). It would have otherwise been rolled into little balls and left at that. Its satisfyingly chewy, with a caress of sweet, soaked in creamy. A little palm sugar syrup (or maple syrup) dribbled over the top would have added a lovely and tasteful finale.

The recipe ~

250 gm glutinous rice flour
1/2 - 3/4 cup coconut milk minus 2 T, preferably fresh ( I used packet)
2-3 T castor sugar
a pinch of salt
2 T pandan juice (3-4 pandan leaves chopped and blended with a little warm water in a blender and then strained) OR a few drops of green colouring 

Coconut syrup :

250 ml coconut milk the consistency of fresh milk
50 gm sugar or more if you would like it sweeter
a pinch of salt
1 pandan leaf tied in a knot

Place the glutinous flour, add sugar and salt and pour in almost half of the coconut milk and 1 tablespoon of the pandan juice in a medium bowl. Mix with your hand and add some more coconut milk and pandan juice as you go along until it becomes a soft, smooth and ball of dough. Add pandan juice until you get the shade of green that pleases you. You may or may not use up all the liquid. The amount is just a guide. Add more if necessary.
Roll the dough into little balls about 1 cm  in size and then press it against the back of a fork and roll it off. Finish off the rest of the dough. Bring a pot of water to a boil and throw in the mochi gnocchi a batch at a time. When the mochi gnocchi floats to the top skin them off and do the rest of the dough. Keep aside on a plate.

The coconut syrup :

Bring all ingredients into a pot. Place over a small heat and stir constantly until the mixture becomes quite warm and the sugar has dissolved. This must be stirred and not left to boil otherwise the coconut milk will 'break' and separate causing oil to rise to the surface. Taste and adjust for sweetness.

To serve :

Place a few or as many mochi gnocchi in a serving bowl and pour the coconut syrup over it. Serve warm or at room temperature or even chilled.


  1. Indeed what a week for you it must have been! I'm glad all turned out well. I enjoyed you take on the gnocchi. Very clever.

  2. Meow Sweetie...;-) how's your two nights adventure? Home is better, right? I am glad you made the right choice and came back safe.
    Unable to log in? That must be annoying...esp.when you have something fun and good to share with your online friends.
    I love your mochi version gnocchi pudding...:-))

    I wish you a peaceful and lovely day!
    Angie together with her 3 cats (Hermes, Ella, and Coco)

  3. I thought it is really clever that you shaped your mochi to look like Gnocchi. Eh... I have a confession to make, I don't like cats and am impossibly terrified of them. I am glad that you got your blogger account to work - did you find out what went wrong?

  4. It made me think of kuih puteri mandi/berendam.. I love that!!!

  5. I'm so glad everything ended well!!

  6. Alhamdulillah your cat came back! I would have gone crazy!! well.. i did when mine went missing for 3 weeks! and your mochi looks yummeyyyy

  7. I tot the real puteri mandi has some coconut fillings in them, rather than plain.

  8. Hello everyone...thanks for dropping by :))

    Shirley, I think it was the password thing...but the strange thing is i had resett he password many many times and it didnt work until I went to my gmail email account..only then it did. It refused to work from my hotmail email account (if im making any sense at all) But glad it worked otherwise it wld have been bye bye blogland..cherryonacake and all my online friends):(

    wendy, thanks for the info... i was totally confused wonderful if names of food were just simple n direct instead of being metaphorical.

  9. I hope this week is better than last week for you, Zurin. What a scare is miss your kitty and loose your blogger account. I hate to even think about that happening.

  10. looks great so sorry about your cat thanks for letting us comment again


  11. wooo--your mochi gnocchi looks delicious zurin! so clever of you to come up with this!

    know what you mean about not being able to sign in. am having problems opening my photos on the computer n my camera too went into vid photo mode so i sent it back along with hub n am now relying on a silly point n shoot n my girl's slr. hav run out of memory card space too. am keeping up with your posts n smhow feeling the distance between us:))

  12. This sounds great! And I am so glad your kitty showed back up! That would have been horrible if she hadn't! :-(

  13. I have never seen anything like this before. It has made me very curious. It looks wonderful so I can only imagine it to be delicious as well. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  14. Glad to hear that everything's ok now. Great idea with the gnocchi, so cute!

  15. What a lovely cross cultural dessert! And I'm sorry to hear about your two most recent events. They sound like anxious times. But at least you're back! :D

  16. I love, love this recipe. It looks so good and I love cooking with mochi.

  17. oh btw. laaa....sweetie never left the house before?

  18. ooohh zeyd can eat this


I'd love to hear your thoughtful comments. Thank you for taking the time. :) Have a nice day!