This is the best roti ever! Hands down. The sweet and spicy potato filling is encased in a thin, crispy almost paper like parchment and the combination is exquisitely delicious. I just wish I had made this 200 years ago because the recipe has been sitting on my shelf for almost 250 years.
I have a collection of the Australian Women's Weekly Cookbook collection because I love the photographs and the fact that they are cheap in comparison to all those fancy schamancy cheffy cookbooks that are thick, heavy and scary. Yes, I like simple, everyday, rustic, plain, no-fuss food, with ingredients that I can relate to and that give me a full plate of food in just one course. Minus the dessert of course. That's what I call a meal. My thanks to the Australian Women's Weekly. Don't they (the roti) look good!
So take my hand and I'll take you on a one way trip to Potato Roti. It's easy, it's quick, it's fun and it's so good that you'll never want look back. Promise.
Here's the recipe..............
1 cup wholemeal flour ( I used plain flour as I didn't have wholemeal)
1 cup white plain flour
1/2 tsp salt
100 gm ghee
1/2 cup (125 ml) water, approx
100 gm ghee (I used cooking oil)
Filling......(I made slight changes)
1 large potato (300 gm)
1/2 small sweet potato (125 gm) I didnt measure this, I used a large one
1 tsp coriander powder
1/2 tsp cumin powder (I used 1 tsp)
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1/4 cup tightly packed coriander leaves (I didn't use as much)
Sift flours and salt into a large bowl, rub in ghee. Stir in almost all the water first and if not enough then finish it all. The ingredients should just cling together. Turn onto floured board, knead about 10 minutes or until smooth.
Divide dough into 16 portions, roll each portion on floured surface into 16 cm round and stack them with cling film in between each or you can do 2 at a time, fill with the potato filling that has been divided into 8 portions, spreading the filling out leaving a 1/2 inch margin all around..............
Brush edges with water and top with the other piece of rolled out dough. Like so..........
Place on a plate and cover with plastic wrap or baking paper while you fininsh off the rest of the dough and filling. Use plastic wrap/baking paper between each layer to keep from sticking.
When done all, heat a frying pan , put in some oil, about a tablespoon and fry the roti until crisp and golden brown on both sides. Add in oil each time for a new roti so that it is fries to a crisp. When done you could cut them into quarters or eights or serve whole with some curry. I served them with a potato curry. YUMMMMM.
Steam the potatoes until tender. Mash coarsely and stir in the spices and corainder and mix well. Taste for salt. Use as above.
Make 8 rotis and can serve 8 people. Serve hot or warm.