D-Day is looming up ahead! I'm getting touchy.......
And I find it kinda funny,
I find it kinda sad
That the dreams in which I'm cryin'
Are the best I've ever had.
But it's a slow ride
And I'm goin' to take it easy
Cos' there was a time
When I was so broken-hearted
When cakes weren't much friends of mine
And fondant
Was a sweet misery.
One love
One blood
One life
One's gotta do what one should.
Am I strong enough to see this through?
Go crazy is what I'll do
If I can't do too,
I don't want nothin' else baby ...
Cause I am bound by a wild desire
When I fell into a ring o' roses
Down, Down, Down..
As the petals
Got bigger
As big as
The flames
Of a ring of fire.
Take a good look at my face ..
Outside I'm masquerading,
Inside my hope is fading,
My smile is my make up
Ever since the roses fell and broke up..
But it doesn't matter..
If it was dark or light,
For I believe in miracles
Whether miracles happen or not.
For I am bound by a wild desire
When I fell into a ring o' roses
Down, down, down..
And the petals got bigger
As big as
The flames
Of a ring of fire
Slow ride
Take it easy
For life is kinda funny
And I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm cryin'
Are the best I've ever had....
I am bound
By a wild desire.
The 'lyrics' were plucked from the lyrics of songs that Adam Lambert has sung on American Idol, combined, arranged, re-arranged and adapted to suit my cake decorating obsession. :D
I have since covered a dummy cake in fondant, practiced my piping of a lace like design on it, brushed it with gold dust and pierced the whole with the wire stems of my sugar paste roses. This is a sneak preview of the cake and what it might look like. I'm quite pleased with the overall look although there is still plenty of room for improvement and more details. Five days from D-day I will be making the actual roses that I will be using , painting the leaves and making rose buds and in the meantime a little more pondering perhaps ...
While I watch the final round of American Idol....
In the meantime here's the recipe for the fondant.......taken from Sylvia Coward's book on Cake Decorating with Sugarpaste....
Fondant Recipe....
250 gm liquid glucose
1 kg sifted icing sugar
10 ml gelatine
50 ml cold water
20 g vegetable fat
Stand the bottle of liquid glucose,with its lid off, in hot water to warm.
Place sifted icing sugar in a bowl, setting aside 250 gm of it in another bowl.
Soak the gelatine in 50 ml cold water in a heat proof bowl. Place the container over hot water until the gelatine dissolves completely.
Melt the fat.
Make a well in the icing sugar, add glucose, gelatine and fat. Stir well to combine. Knead the icing and adjust the consistency by adding the reserved icicng sugar or egg white until a smooth pliable paste is formed.
Knead in desired colour until the colour is even. Store in an airtight plastic bag. Do not keep in refridgerator.
This recipe is enough to cover a 10 inch cake with a little extra left over.
I'm fascinated by your cake making/decorating skills having attempted some basic recipes over the years.
Lately I'm into cup cakes mainly because they're neat and easy for the cucu to decorate themselves.
I even attempted "cup" apple pies blindbaked in muffin tins but the frozen Pampas shortcrust pastry turned out hard.
2 questions:
1. Do you have a tested recipe for shortcrust pastry?
2. What brand of halal gelatine do you use?
I'm waiting to try out that mango upside down which looks and sounds delicious!
wow, yr roses are even prettier then the previous batch ! Now I'm wondering when I can ever do it ?? Oh the gelatine is it 10g or 10ml ?
I tried making fondant last week, managed to & I discovered that I can't exactly follow the recipe, have to adjust icing sugar accordingly, I guess practise really makes perfect ! I totally agree with u kneading the colour in is tough :(
Yes cupcakes are fun for kids...esp now tt its the rage.
Iget my gelatin frm a cake supply store at ss 24 called bake with yen. I guess its halal. Never thought otherwise! LOL
short crust :
6 oz plain flour,
3 oz butter,cut into cubes,
about 2 tblsp cold water.
Rub teh COLD butter into the flour till like breadcrumbs thn mix in enuf water to make a soft pliable dough wth FINGERTIPS. enuf for a 10 inch flan or pie tin. Let meknow how it turns out!
o yes do try the mango cake. N thn the banana choc chip cos tt is heaven!
Lorrine, yes roses getting better ..everytime i make a new batch I learn somthin new, new tricks n ways of making it more realistic...practice does indeed make perfect..but when I left it off a few days I 4got n had to xperiment again...gettin gold I guess LOLOL
kneading in colours is really:( now u know what m talking about! heh
Halimah, the short crust is a tested one n it works fine each time..u can make up double the recipe and freeze extra for future use..makes life easier!
Oh Lorrine , the gelatine is 10 ml wh is 2 teaspoons
zurin, ur cake is absolutely gorgeous! am waiting the see the final cake. good luck, don't stress too much n take lots of photos for us!
Thanks Zurin - will try the next time around!
Thanx Terri, I have a week left to finish up so gettng a little nervous bt glad I did the prorotype :)
oh did u watch? or do u follow at all? :) just in case u do, Adam Lambert didnt win !... boo hoo :( LOL ..sorri I digressed.
I'm in awe. Your skill is outstanding. I'm curious, where can you find liquid glucose, is it the same than light corn syrup?
jackie @ Phamfatale.com
Jakie, tq for dropping by! n tq 4 ur kind comments. liquid glucose is a very very thick syrup, I would say 3 times thicker than honey. Im nt sure bout corn syrup tho..hv never used that. u cld get liquid glucone at cake decor supply stores n the US m sure.
yes, everytime I m reading this, I mean from Part 1 - 4, I feel like strangle u sometimes! lolz! I m so wanting to see the final result !like when I read books, sometimes I go to the last page for conclusion 1st. haha every part is so pretty , so awesome !
Yes! I feel like strangling myself right now too cos the cake is giving problems..sigh..and I have only 4 days more!!:(
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